
Holiday Caravan

Dec 2021: The Caravan Travel Agency

Following the same format as the original caravan show, this Holiday season inspired show comprised of 14 actors and 3 admins.

Performed at the Co-Reality Collective Twistmas Gathering as a once off show.

Guests are greeted by the Holiday Caravan Travel Agency and given a ticket for a once-in-a-lifetime holiday experience.

During their travels, they take a bath in a spa, fend off "the darkness" from a scared hotel patron, are revealed as the long-lost messiah of a strange cult, up to experiencing the end of the world.

They eventually arrive safely at the Holiday Caravan Travel Lounge, where they are given the opportunity to reflect on their experience and, upon completion of their journey, are invited to welcome the next guest and facilitate their reflection, thus becoming one of the crew.

How it works:

This experience comprised of a set of short skits/scenes that each focus on one participant at a time with the broad goal of facilitating depth and connection through play and experiential learning.

Each guest has a completely unique and

personal experience.

Information was gathered prior and during the experience in order to personalize the journey for each guest.

Source: Yoongibear

“Thank you so much. It was fun, uplifting and relaxing. Very well done of you” ❤️

“I felt that my disbelief was the most suspended, and I cared about what was happening and felt as if I was a part of it”

If you are interested to learn more about our work, and co-create a similiar experience for your community or company, please reach out!

Source: deladeso

The Caravan Experience